Friday, June 25, 2010

Lord, I'm Amazed by You

Mambo friends. I trust that you are all doing well. I can't help but sing the praises of our almighty God who continues to reveal himself to me in amazing ways. Whether it's through the smile of a beautiful child or the love of a dear friend here in Kangundo.

This past week was nothing short of amazing! The weather has been beautiful with high's in the low 70's, sunshine, and no humidity! This past Sunday I was blessed to travel (by dirt and pothole-filled roads) with my dear friend Shadrach and his wife to Victory Church at Katwanyaa. This church is one of my favorites because the choir is absolutely amazing as they dance in the aisles praising our great God. The hearts of he people and the sermon was wonderful. What I found great is the fact that during offering those who cannot afford to bring money bring maze, avocados, sweet potatoes, sugar cane etc... Then they sell those items in the church and the money goes for the offering. What I couldn't believe was the fact that people began buying these items and gave them to me. At first I said to myself, "Lord, why are these people buying these things for me? There are others who are in greater need than me."  But then God told me that this is the Kamba's peoples way of welcoming me and loving me. Praise God!

On Tuesday and Friday's i have been teaching English and Bible classes at the Bible College to a group of Ethiopian refugees. Let me tell you these young women are amazing and I cannot get over the joy they have in their lives despite the devastation that they have witnessed and experienced at such a young age. They are such blessings to me and I ask that you would pray for them as they don't have any family, except each other. 

On Wednesday, we have a Bible study with all of the Grace Children Home parents that have basically adopted at least 5 children. I had the privilege of leading this weeks study. I used a meditation from John Piper that really has convicted me since I have been in Kenya.  He tells us that "what the Church needs today is marathoners, not just sprinters...when it comes to the Christian walk."  I also love this quote which has also really resonated with me: " I plead with you to dream a dream that is bigger than you and your family and your church." Amen! That is my prayer for each of you as well. I pray that you will not dream too small about your life. Expect and attempt great things for and from God.

Today I was blessed with a wonderful Friday! I went to the market at Tala with James and bought various fruits and vegetables for cooking for the weekend. We had nothing short of an adventure when it came to finding a matatu (public transportation) for the ride home. These vehicles are small vans and they squish as many people as they can into this van and charge you about 5 cents. I laugh every time I ride them because they are so much fun. I also taught my dear girls today. We read some simple Bible stories and I was so proud of them because each one of them did a great job of reading some second grade level Bible stories. I praise God for all of the hard work that they put in each week of English class as well as the sewing school that they attend. When my day of teaching was done I walked home on the dusty roads and as I was approaching our compound I saw my dear friend Oscar was waiting for me. I must admit that i was so happy to see him because I haven't seen much of him this time. Pray for him and that God will provide him with a good job as it is incredibly difficult to find a job here.

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea', and it will obey you. ~Luke 17

Love you all!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

This is a saying that we ave here in Kangundo and we constantly remind each other of this wonderful promise from our Maker. It has been two weeks since I've been here and I can't believe it! God continues to open my eyes to the beauty amidst the poverty of this nation. I am constantly humbled by the pothole-filled dirt roads as well as the people who have so little but offer you everything they have.

I don't remember if I posted about using the parachute last Saturday, but it was a hug success!! I have lots of video tat I will share when I return.Let's just say we played with it for about 2 hours last weekend and the kids had an absolute blast, as did I!

Even though this is my second visit to Kenya I cannot get over how much we have in the states. For example, in school we have all of the necessary supplies and then some. Here, in Kenya, the teachers are lucky if they have a roof over their heads and a smooth dirt floor under their feet.  I know that I have complained several times to myself about things that I wish I could have in my classroom. Lord, forgive me for being so materialistic because these students do not even have their own pencils and markers to use. The teachers also have to make everything for their classroom. They make all of the visual aid because your local teacher store doesn't exist in the village. And even though they are lacking so many materials the kids still learn everything they need to learn and continue on because this is all that they know. I can't imagine how they would react to everything that we have been blessed with in our schools.

This past week has been nothing short of amazing! I had the opportunity to visit a school for the blind in Kangundo, which was so humbling! I went with one of my dear friends from here, Daniel. We met with the Headmaster and he welcomed us with open arms to the school. The name of the school DEB and has about 1,500 students and has 30 students enrolled int he school for the blind. Let me tell you, this school is awesome! We walked in as the blind students were coming in and they were so happy. You could just see the love in their eyes, even though they couldn't see me. My heart melted when one of the students took my hands and felt them for about 5 minutes. I prayed that God would bless this child and would be healed in Jesus name.  Their classroom is so great because it is full of hands-on activities for the kids to keep busy with. They also have braille machines that they have for the students to type on as well as talking computers, which blew my mind! DEB is one of 3 schools in all of the Kenya that has all of these resources for the blind! Praise God!  Please pray that they would continue to receive funds to keep the school running because it is such an amazing place.

On Wednesday I had the privileged of cooking all day with the house help as we made dinner for a group of kids from Alaska that has been serving in our village for the past 3 weeks! It was so great to meet them have fellowship with them and encourage them in Christ. I know that they greatly appreciated the American meal of hamburgers and homemade salads and french fries. Praise God for others that are serving him in Kangundo!
Thursday we went to Nairobi and did some wonderful shopping and Friday we went to Nairobi again and dropped my friend Kristin off at the airport which was bitter sweet.

I pray that you are all doing well. I thank all of you for the prayers that you have been lifting up on my behalf. I have felt them and I am doing so well! I constantly feel surrounded by Christ and his amazing angels. Even when we travel at night, which is dangerous I do not fear anything because I know that our great God has us in the palm of his hand and no weapon thwarted against me shall remain! Thank you again for your prayers and love. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

I am Home

Praise God! I am so thankful for the safe arrival in Kenya! God is good all the time and all the time God is good, as they say here in Kenya. I am so thankful for the safety that God gave us as we arrived here in Kangundo! I was so happy to arrive here and greet my brothers with open arms at Kenyatta Airport. We arrived late on Saturday night. As we began driving back to Kangundo I was overcome with joy and peace as God granted us safety on the way to Mama's.

On Sunday we went to Ebnezer Church and were welcomed with open arms.  I just love the churches here. They are so humbling because they don't even have electricity but they are so full of love and they just radiate God. You can see Him in their beautiful eyes, which I just love.

This week we have visited schools and taught the story of Jonah to the toto's (children) and did a craft with them.  We made the whale out of balloons, which they absolutely just loved. The toto's are so thankful for whatever you bring to them.

It has been so great to see all of my loved ones here once again, as I have missed them greatly. They keep asking me when I am going to move here and I tell them that only God knows and that I will keep praying about it.

Today, we went to the market in Tala and oh was that an adventure. We took a Matatu, which is the Kenyan version of a bus ride. It's always fun because they pack as many people as they can into the vehicle, which is always fun! As I walked the streets with Gideon all of the people kept saying "mazungu come an buy" which means white person come and buy from me please. It's always interesting to be the minority, but it doesn't bother me at all because in God's eyes we are all one. We made it home before dark and are preparing to have dinner soon.

Tomorrow we are going to open the parachutes that y school bought and play with the kids. I can't wait! It will be an emotional experience for sure!

I am doing so very well. God is so good and I praise him for the opportunity to be in Kenya again. I am healthy and am constantly humbled and blessed as I interact with everyone. Thank you so much for your prayers. I defiantly feel them all the time. I also am thankful for all of the rain that God has sent because this time everything is so green and beautiful

Love you all!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Jambo Kenya!

Well...TODAY IS THE DAY!!! I cannot believe that it is time for me to return to Kangundo! Kristin and I leave O'Hare at 5:20 and will arrive in London tomorrow morning and we will arrive in Nairobi Saturday night.

Please pray for safe flights, low luggage fees, ontime connections and safe travels to Mama and Papa's in Nairobi.

I love you all and will be updating when I can. The internet connection is tough so I will try my best.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

3 Days until takeoff...

I cannot believe that I leave for Kenya in 3 days! I have accomplished much but have much more to do.  This past week I concluded my second year of teaching, which was such a blast! I am so thankful to our Lord for blessing me with a wonderful class/staff.  I also said goodbye to my incredible church family at New Life Christian Fellowship. I will miss all of you dearly. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am to the Lord for bringing me to this church the last time I returned for Kenya. I thank you in advance for all of your prayers. And guys, don't get too 'next level' without me :)

I am now home, in Wheaton, and I am taking care of the final details of packing and seeing wonderful people. Tonight I packed all of the supplies that my church family, and others blessed me with. I was overwhelmed with all that was donated and wasn't sure that everything was going to fit in my second suitcase. My parents are wonderful and helped me pack.  As the suitcase became fuller I thought to myself "Lord you are greater than this suitcase and all this is going for You, so please let it fit."  Once it was set we put it on the scale and it was just right. Once again, God's sovereign hand was over his work! I am glad to report that the extra bag will cost little. Know that all you did is going for the Kingdom and I am forever grateful to you.
