Friday, July 9, 2010

Bwana Asifiwe

Praise the Lord, is what bwana asifiwe means in Swahili. I cannot cease to sing the praises of our Abba Father as I continue serving him on the mission field. I am so sorry that I didn't update last week, things got a little crazy so I didn't have time, I apologize.

I have had nothing short of another incredible week! On Monday I began teaching a new group of high school aged girls, in our sewing school at the Bible College, conversational English. We had a great time introducing ourselves and getting right down to business. Each of my students are so beautiful and full of love and joy. I am so thankful for the opportunity that God gave me to teach them. I also had the privileged of going to DEB school. This is a school of about 1,200 students and only 43 teachers, you do the math. These are some large classes! I visited some second grade classrooms and taught what we call the "Visual Bible-the OT" This entails some hand motions and words so that the students can memorize the OT in a way that appeals to them. I then went to visit another part of the school, which is the school for the blind. When I walked into their classroom I immediately felt love from these dear angels who cannot see. I was almost in tears as the boys and girls came over and greeted me and began to touch my face and hair. I made such a wonderful friend that day named Boniface, whom I will never forget. While some of the students were reading to me in English via Braille Boniface just came over and sat on my lap as the others were reading. From then on he held onto me even as he read. I couldn't believe the love and kindness that he showed to me, a complete stranger. As it was time for me to leave he wouldn't let go but we said our goodbyes and I saw him again on Thursday and we were so happy to meet once again.

On Wednesday we had our usual Bible study and prayer meetings, which went so well. We went up country for the afternoon Bible study and had a great time of fellowship and prayer. As I was leaving one of the dear mama's-Milka was telling me that I must stay in Kenya and not go back to the states. I told her I agree but I must go back because God will bring me back here soon enough to stay. She told me that she was going to be sad when I leave. Then, Mama jumped in and so sweetly said that she doesn't want me to leave either, but she knows that God has an incredible plan for my life here in Kenya. And that we must continue to pray for a godly husband for her! I love Mama so much and am so thankful for her. My family and friends here are so amazing and how I wish that each of you will be able to come to Kenya some day and experience God in indescribeable ways.

The rest of this week and last has been full of awesome fellowship in the quiet moments. For example, today I had a wonderful time just washing dishes and signing praises to God in Swahili at the Bible college with my dear friend, Syomiti. She is such a blessing to me and I admire her because she is such a godly woman, mother and wife. I also have enjoyed many moments when I have just been walking through the villages with my friends, or simply singing as I cook. Tomorrow I am going to Nairobi with some of my brothers and we are going to have a great time seeing some sights. Pray for journey mercies as traveling here can, at times, be risky. But, I never fear because I know that God has me in the palm of his hand and no weapon formed against me shall remain.

love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    That is awesome that you have been so richly blessed. I can't wait to hear all about your trip and see the pictures, because I know there will be lots. This is an amazing expierence that not many get a chance to do and I am excited that the oppurtunity presented itself. Your dad, mom, Teri, and I have been working hard here getting things ready for your return. School is looking great and I can't wait for you to see the freshly painted rooms. Also, my trip to Washington state was amazing. I don't think my pictures are as good as yours, but I did my best. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you rest. See you really soon, and have a safe trip back. Don't forget to pick us up something nice, LOL. :)
